All posts in Food Tips

Foal Feeding Guidelines

Foal Feeding Guidelines

These are general guidelines on feeding milk replacer to foals and transitioning to solid feeds. Note: Depending on the foal’s growth rate, they may need more or less of the prescribed feeds. These are guidelines for the average 50 kg (100 to 110lb) foal at birth being fed 2 to 2.5% of its body weight in kilograms a day.


10 Tips for Choosing the Best Hay for Your Horse

10 Tips for Choosing the Best Hay for Your Horse

High-quality hay can be an important source of essential nutrients in your horse’s diet. A horse’s protein and energy requirements depend on age, stage of development, metabolism and workload. A mature horse will eat 2 to 2.5% of its body weight a day, and for optimum health, nutritionists recommend that at least half of this should be roughage such as hay. For a 1000-pound horse, that means at least 10 pounds of roughage each day.
